
late red Learn more about late red

  • What are the varieties of late-ripening peaches? When did they mature?

    What are the varieties of late-ripening peaches? When did they mature?

    Friends who have planted peaches probably know that early-maturing peaches usually ripen in May or June, medium-ripe peaches mature from mid-June to July, and late-ripening peaches usually go away from August to late October. So do you know what kinds of late-ripening peaches are available? They are separately

    2020-11-27 Late ripening yes peaches which ones varieties they points don't be
  • What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    Grape is a woody vine, is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, the fruit is generally spherical or oval, the ripening time varies with varieties and planting boundaries. So, what are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature? I. China

    2020-11-09 China common grape variety which when
  • When will Shandong apples ripen?

    When will Shandong apples ripen?

    Most apples in Shandong mature from September to October, and the ripening time varies with different varieties. For example, Red Fuji apples mature in mid-late October, Gala apples mature from late August to early September, Red General apples mature in mid-September, and Golden Crown apples mature in mid-late September.

    2020-11-09 Shandong Apple when mature mostly in
  • In which month does Guiyang bayberry mature

    In which month does Guiyang bayberry mature

    Red bayberry in Guiyang matures from mid-late June to early-mid-July. Among them, the main cultivated bayberry varieties are water chestnut and Dongkui, the former maturing in mid-late June and the latter in late June to early and mid-July. The main plant of red bayberry in Guiyang: 1. Mature stage of water chestnut

    2020-11-09 Guiyang red bayberry what month mature of in June
  • Late ripening peach treasure red leaf winter peach

    Late ripening peach treasure red leaf winter peach

    The red leaf winter peach blossoms in the north of Henan Province on March 25, and begins to bloom on April 1, with pink flowers, 5 petals, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, 7-10 days of flowering, pink peach blossoms and purple peach leaves. It has become the only red landscape worth watching in spring. With the change of season and temperature, the purplish red peach leaves slowly changed into copper green from the base up, but the top shoots and new leaves were still purplish red, forming on the same branch, and the lower leaves were copper green.

  • Planting time of amaranth

    Planting time of amaranth

    Amaranth can be planted in both spring and autumn, the planting time in open field is from late March to early August, the planting time covered by greenhouse and small arch shed can be about 30 days earlier, and different varieties can be planted at different times, from late February to late March: sharp-leaf red rice amaranth and pointed leaves can be planted.

    2020-11-08 Amaranth planting time summary amaranth spring and autumn both
  • When does Yingshuang red peach mature?

    When does Yingshuang red peach mature?

    Yingshuang red peach, which generally matures in September, is a new late-ripening peach variety on the market in autumn. The variety has the advantages of late maturity, Tibetan tolerance, large size, high quality, high yield and high benefit. It can be planted from November in autumn to May of the following year, and has good weather resistance. Yingshuang Red Peach

    2020-11-08 Yingshuang hearts what month mature in general in
  • Yuxi Red Honey, a New Variety of Peach with large Fruit, late ripening and Storage tolerance and its cultivation techniques

    Yuxi Red Honey, a New Variety of Peach with large Fruit, late ripening and Storage tolerance and its cultivation techniques

    Yuxi Hongmi (tentative name) was bred in 1996 by the Forestry College of Henan University of Science and Technology using Wanhongmi as female parent, local variety August fresh and Meixian winter peach as male parent. The fruit is extremely large, spherical, with an average single fruit weight of 350g. The sunny side of the fruit is rose-red, beautiful, fleshy, sweet, sticky and hard. Good resistance, no fruit cracking, fruit drop phenomenon, the fruit matured in mid-September, coinciding with the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the market prospect is good. The variety characteristics and cultivation techniques are introduced as follows.

  • "Flower gardening" tulip varieties complete

    There are many cultivated varieties of tulips. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 8000, which are divided into Mendelian early flower type, double flower early flower type, Darwin hybrid type,...

  • Key points of cultivation of Red late ripening Pear Hong Anjiu

    Key points of cultivation of Red late ripening Pear Hong Anjiu

    Honganjiu late ripening pear is a new variety of thick red bud of Anjiu pear found in Washington State of the United States. Shandong Province was introduced from the National Pear seed Garden of the United States Department of Agriculture in 1997. The cultivation experiments in various places show that this variety has strong adaptability, easy cultivation, high fruit firmness and resistance to storage and transportation. it is a late-maturing pear variety with good comprehensive characters. The fruit of this variety is gourd-shaped, the average weight of single fruit is 230 grams, and the maximum weight of single fruit can reach 500 grams. The pericarp is purplish red, smooth, waxy and glossy, with many, small and obvious fruit spots.

  • Late ripening peach rookie: red snow peach

    Late ripening peach rookie: red snow peach

    1. Brief introduction: the news of successful cross-breeding of red snow peaches in our center was on the 10:00 news of the first program of CCTV on November 26, 1993. The second CCTV program "Agricultural Education and Technology" on January 4, 1994, the "Agricultural knowledge Series" of Beijing Television on May 9, 1994, the seventh "Rural economy" of CCTV on February 22, 1996, and the second "Agricultural Education and Technology" of CCTV on May 17, 1996.

  • When will a bunch of red blossom? The planting method with pot planting!

    When will a bunch of red blossom? The planting method with pot planting!

    A string of red herbs are labial herbs, which blossom continuously from late summer to late autumn, and are less likely to wither. A string of flowers are fiery red, spread all over the floor, like crackling firecrackers on the ground during the Spring Festival. So when will a bunch of red blossom? The planting method with pot planting!

    2020-11-09 A string red when flowering attached potted planting method
  • When will the strawberries ripen?

    When will the strawberries ripen?

    When will the strawberries ripen?

  • When will the latest strawberries ripen?

    When will the latest strawberries ripen?

    Strawberry is a perennial herb of the genus Rosaceae, also known as pineapple strawberry, native to South America, cultivated in all parts of our country, with high nutritional value and rich in vitamin C. it has the effects of moistening the lungs, invigorating the spleen and stomach, diuresis and detumescence, relieving heat and summer heat.

    2020-11-10 The latest strawberry when ripe yes rose family genus
  • When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    Fig is a kind of flowering plant, which belongs to the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It mainly grows in some tropical and temperate places and has high edible and medicinal value. So when will it mature and go on sale? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas? According to Sangke data, none

    2020-11-09 Figs what month ripe on the market have which varieties and
  • A New Variety of very late ripening and High quality Peach: Wangmu Hongxiantao

    A New Variety of very late ripening and High quality Peach: Wangmu Hongxiantao

    Wangmu Hongxiantao, also known as Jinzui Xiantao, is a new late-ripening and high-quality peach variety in China. Its main characteristics are: late ripening, large fruit, red color, sweet, storage resistance, transportation resistance, high economic value, so it is a very promising variety of extra late maturity and high quality. 1. Botanical characteristics the tree is strong and upright. The trunk and perennial branches are white and smooth. Annual branches reddish brown, internodes short, average 1.53 cm. New shoots flourish from mid-May to mid-June, and vice shoots flourish.

  • A New very late ripening and High quality Peach Variety: Wangmu Hongxiantao

    A New very late ripening and High quality Peach Variety: Wangmu Hongxiantao

    Wangmu Hongxiantao, also known as Jinzui Xiantao, is a new late-ripening and high-quality peach variety in China. Its main characteristics are: late ripening, large fruit, red color, sweet, storage resistance, transportation resistance, high economic value, so it is a very promising variety of extra late maturity and high quality. 1. Botanical characteristics the tree is strong and upright. The trunk and perennial branches are white and smooth. Annual branches reddish brown, internodes short, average 1.53 cm. New shoots flourish from mid-May to mid-June, secondary shoots flourish from July to August, and secondary branches grow the most.

  • When will the red pear ripen

    When will the red pear ripen

    Red pear is a new early-maturing crispy red pear variety bred by Zaoba pear and Zaosu pear, which is a fruit tree in Shaanxi province, and it is also an excellent pear variety in China. So, when will the red pear mature? When will the red pear mature? Red pears are usually in late July and late August.

    2020-11-08 Red pear when ripe red pear yes Shaanxi Province fruit tree
  • When is the season for picking strawberries?

    When is the season for picking strawberries?

    When is the season for picking strawberries? When will all kinds of strawberries ripen? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce strawberries with high nutritional value and rich vitamin C, which can help digestion. At the same time, strawberries can also strengthen gums, refresh breath and moisturize throat. And strawberries contain a lot of fruit.

  • Red golden awn (jujube)

    Red golden awn (jujube)

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Henan Forestry Science Research Institute selected and bred Hongjimangdong jujube, which represents the highest level of winter jujube in China, on the basis of extensive collection of domestic late-maturing jujube resources. According to the person in charge of the Agricultural Forestry Office of Henan Forestry Institute, the winter dates popularized in domestic production are Zaozhuang winter jujube, Chengwu winter jujube, Daxue jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube, and so on. The quality of some of these winter jujube varieties is too poor, the pulp cork is serious, some varieties bear fruit late, and the yield is also slightly poor. The red selected by Henan Province this time
